Thursday, August 23, 2012

Join my Fall Fitness Challenge

Does this sound like YOU??!! How many times have you "Started over"? Let's change that..

I want you to join my "Fit for Fall" Online Fitness Challenge group!
This will be a 60 day challenge that will take us into the beginning of the Holiday season.. We begin Sept 1st!! This will be a Giftcard Challenge.. So you know you want in!!

-I MUST be your FREE Team Beachbody coach.
(Easy to sign up HERE:
Click JOIN, and then click FREE membership)
-You MUST be committed to working out & eating healthy!!

If you need a program.. Please check out the amazing programs offered by Beachbody:
That is it.. Easy Peasy Right?? Now.. Who's ready for the Challenge??

If you would like to JOIN.. Email me at

Join My Team

What did you think? Something that’s worth being a part of right?

I have been a HUGE fan of Beachbody products for about 10 years. My first Beachbody program was "Slim in 6"
I decided to become a Team Beachbody Coach after I realized I had an opportunity to PAY IT FORWARD.

In the last several months of being a Team Beachbody Coach, I’ve been able to help, inspire, meet so many amazing people…not to mention I am now getting PAID to do something I love !!!  I began my coaching journey wanting to help spread the gift of health and fitness….and never realized how much it would change my life.   I will help you, step-by-step, to find the same success, if you so desire.

This video is just a snap shot of what I GET to do as a Team Beachbody Coach. Did you catch that? What I GET to do…not HAVE to, but GET to, aka WANT to do. I get to inspire others to get healthy, fit and make a difference. How amazing is that? Spread YOUR gift to others!!

If you are interested in Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach.. email me at

Hooray!! It's "Thirsty Thursday!!"

If you're reading this.. drink some H2O for Thirsty Thursday! :)

Water increases your metabolism so much that if you're chronically dehydrated, it can mean up to an 8 pound weight gain (or more) per year. No wonder weight creeps on! Your challenge is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water PER DAY. Ex: 150lb = 75 oz of water.
This doesn't mean all at once ;)... it means throughout the whole day! We can all mistake thirst for hunger too, which leads to eating more unnecessary calories, so it's important to always have water handy. Can you do it?

FunkeeFitness Yummy Water Tip:
-Let your water sit in fresh cut fruit, mint and stevia overnight for a refreshing drink. <3